To manage a Database, please follow these steps:
1. Open a web browser and connect to your Plesk Control Panel located at
https://ip address:8443
2. Login as the Administrator using the information sent to you in your setup email.
3. Click Domains from the General menu.
4. Click the Domain Name you are managing the database for under the Domains section.
5. Click the Databases from the Services section.
6. Click the Database Name from the Databases section.
To create a new Database user, please follow these steps:
1. Click Add New Database User from the Tools section.
2. Enter the appropriate information:
Database user name: enter the username for the database
Old password: displays the old password (if applicable)
New password: enter the new password
Confirm password: re-enter the new password
3. To access phpMyAdmin, please follow these steps:
Click DB WebAdmin from the Tools section.
This will open a new window and log you into phpMyAdmin.