What to do if my website stats are not updated?

The websites statistics on our servers are updated every 24 hours. This update may be delayed by high server load or software problems.

If you want to manually refresh website stats, follow the steps below:

1. Log into your cPanel > Files section > File Manager menu

2. Find tmp/awstats/awstats.yourdomain.com.conf file, right click on it and select Edit

3. Use search to look for the following line:


update it to


and Save the changes:

4. Now go back to Awstats, Update now button should appear.

Feel free to use it to force webstats update

NOTE: as server updates Awstats once in 24 hours, Update now option will disappear after some time. You can re-add it later per guidelines above if required.

  • website stats, not, updated
  • 99 Users Found This Useful
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