phpMyAdmin: Creating tables in a database

let’s learn how to create a table within a database


1) Select the database

2) Enter a Name for our new table

3) Then enter the number of fields this new table is to have. Click Go

4) Now enter the details of each field within the new table

We also want this first field to be the Primary key that will be automatically filled in (auto_increment) when new entries are added to the table

 The first field will be called id, and it will be an integer.

Selecting this option makes the id field the Primary key in the table. You can also enable auto increment by checking the A_I check box.

 The remaining fields will be CHAR (character) fields. Be sure the length is set long enough to accommodate the fields

 5) When finished, click Save.

That’s it! Our new table (details) has been successfully created within our database.

This is the end of the Article. Now You  know how to create new tables within a database using phpMyAdmin

  • PhpMyAdmin, create, table
  • 139 Users Found This Useful
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