How to use CloudFlare?
In order to make it easier, our servers support in-build CloudFlare integration and you do not have to change the nameservers.
- To enable Cloudflare CDN for your domain name, first you need to login to cPanel
- Once you logged in, locate the Cloudflare icon in your cPanel
- Once you clicked on it, you will find features of Cloudflare and please choose the "Provision Domain Name with CNAME Setup"
That's all your have to do and your domain name willl start pulling data from CloudFlare CDN without needing to do any nameserver change.
If you use this method, CloudFlare CDN will be enable for the visitors who use and it will not enable CDN for the URLs which do not have "www". You can simply setup a redirection from your cPanel for the visitors to be redirected to in order to get the full advantage.